Chriis FonTana unleashes his album InMyFace


The highly antecipated album, InMyFace by Chriis FonTana is finally available. The rapper took more than a year to set the things right and bring a solid work to his main supporters and fans. 
Full of emotions and contagious vibes, InMyface is one of those albuns you listen to and find yourself in an inner peace. You're able to relax, to have fun, to dance and jump to every single song on it. 

It's coming straight from Mozambique, in Machava neighboorhood, tho he chose to go in english in every songs, and he produced all the tracks by himself, except the last one. This album features myself and OB. FonTana listed TYPEGUY as a Executive producer of the album and Vidro Rasgado as a Marketing Director. 

Its important to say that, these dudes are also moving independent for now!
However, the album is available for free download to those who cant buy it on CD Baby. 



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